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 The Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project, financed by the World Bank is being implemented under the purview of the Ministry of Agriculture is promoting micro irrigation strategy at a cost of 589 million rupees with 3787 farmers engaged in cultivation practices in the project area. The CSIAP operates its activities in 47 Agrarian services divisions in 11 districts within 6 provinces namely North West, North Central, North, East, South and Uva with the aim of increasing the agriculture and water productivity in their farms by building the climate resilience of the farmers who are vulnerable to climate change impact, has provided micro irrigation systems to enhance the water productivity of farmlands.

Micro irrigation systems such as Sprinkler irrigation systems, Drip irrigation systems, Micro jet and Rain hose systems were provided to 549 farmers in the North Western Province, 840 farmers in the North Central Province, 693 farmers in the Northern Province, 502 farmers in the Eastern Province, 691 farmers in Uva Province and 512 farmers in the southern province.

By using micro irrigation, the water required by the plant is given near the root system at proper intervals. The project farmers are able to receive more yield from their farms using micro irrigation, despite the prevailing water scarcity in the project area due to prolonged drought. Besides, farmers have the convenience of applying fertilizer to the crop through this irrigation system itself and farmers are able to cultivate crops throughout the year and get more income from off-season cultivation.

The CSIAP has already rehabilitated 1142 agro wells so far and obtained a yield of 3082 metric tons through cultivating 1112 hectares of land under these rehabilitated wells. The project also establishes sprinkler or drip irrigation systems using solar water pumps in these cultivation fields, thereby reducing the emission of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) into the atmosphere. Saving the cost of fuel by using solar water pumps is another benefit to the farmers. CSIAP wishes to reveal that, 707 hectares of land are currently being cultivated using micro irrigation systems, within the project area.

Agriculture Devision, CSIAP

Posted by CSIAP Sri Lanka Read full article Published Date : 2024-11-19